Taiyuan University of Technology

Attribute: Public Level: National Project 211 Type: Science and Engineering Location:Suburb

About TUT

Taiyuan University of Technology (TUT) has its history traced all the way back to the Western Learning School of Shanxi Grand Academy (1902), which was one of the three earliest national universities in China. With the tradition and development of over 100 years, TUT is now a general university with engineering as the major, sciences and technology integrated and coordinate development of multiple disciplines.  It is a university that is included in the “Project 211” --- the national higher education promotion program for 100 top universities in China, 


For more than one century, TUT has been developing rapidly and constantly based on the traditional spirit of “Dare Be Original, Dare Be Superior and Dare Be Challenged” for the new education mode of many variety and multiple specifications for compound-quality talents. So far, it has over 180,000 graduates been devoted to the good of the nation and society.  Many honorary titles have been won by TUT, such as “Outstanding Institution of Undergraduate Education”, “Outstanding Institution in the National Ideological Construction Drive”, “National May Day Labor Medal”, and “National Advanced Party Organization at Mass Level”.


TUT admits students from 31 provinces, municipal cities, and autonomous regions in China. At present, over 20,000 full-time undergraduates, over 6,000 postgraduates are doing their degrees at TUT.  There are 70 undergraduate disciplines, 120 Master’s degree programs, 43 Doctorate programs and 6 post-doctorate research centers.  Besides, 4 disciplines are authorized to offer occupational Master’s degrees, 20 engineering disciplines to offer engineering Master’s degrees and 10 to offer higher education Master’s degree.  TUT has 3 national authorized disciplines, 3 national exemplary centers of experiment education, 5 national special discipline promotion projects, 8 National Centers for Engineering Practice, 4 Education Ministry key laboratories, 13 Shanxi Province star disciplines, 5 Shanxi Province key laboratories, 10 Shanxi Province engineering research centers, 3 Shanxi outstanding teaching research teams, 8 Shanxi Province teaching demonstration centers, 3 Shanxi Province innovating centers of new education modes, 9 Shanxi Province innovating centers of graduate education, 16 provincial star disciplines and 23 provincial star courses.  Meanwhile, TUT has national key laboratory training center of provincial and ministerial cooperation, national-level teaching research team, national star course, national demonstration bilingual course and Education Ministry engineering research center, Shanxi Provincial Key Research Base of Humanities and Social Sciences of Higher Education Institutions, International Scientific Cooperation Base of Shanxi Province, etc.


TUT is ample in qualified teachers. Right now, there are 2007 full-time teaching staff including 1,354 professors and associate professors, 125 doctoral supervisors and 5 academicians from the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 2 national outstanding specialists, 4 winners of Chinese Young Scientist Prize, 2 commissioners of Education Ministry Hi-Tech Department, 4 winners of National Outstanding Youth Fund, 5 national candidates for “Talents Project for New Century”, 9 Education Ministry Talents for New Century and 10 Central Government Nominated Specialists.  Two PhD candidates had their dissertations ranked among the “Top 100 PhD Theses”.  18 staff members are included in the “333 Talents Project” --- a Shanxi program of academic pioneers for new century.  4 people were awarded as the Shanxi High-tech Hero, 11 the provincial outstanding experts, 30 provincial star teachers, 61 Shanxi Government authorized experts, and 125 professors entitled to the Government Subvention.  Over 150 well-known professors from home and abroad are engaged as honorable professors, guest professors or part-time professors.  In the last two years, TUT has its staff members become national star educator and “Changjiang Scholar” professor for the first time.

In order to cultivate high-quality creative graduates, TUT has practiced dual-degree and major & minor education modes, admission of top undergraduate for Master’s degree free of entrance exams, Master-PhD joint program. TUT has also been elected as one of the first universities for “Outstanding Engineer Education Project” and one of the first universities for “Creative College Student Education Project” by the Education Ministry.  TUT is the very first university in the province that is nominated for the Officer Reserves Selecting and Training Project by Beijing Military Region.


TUT advocates scientific research and technological development and activates the basic applied research.  Twice in succession did this university undertake, as the first scientist unit, the national “973 Research Project”, and has undertaken 539 national research projects including the national “863 High-tech Project”, National Scientific Trouble-shooting Projects, National Young Scientist Fund and others; obtained 405 prizes for scientific research of different levels, including 39 awards of National Natural Science Prize, Technological Innovation Prize and High-tech Progress Prize;  and 132 prizes for teaching achievements, including 6 national first and second class teaching awards.  The achievement and materialization of hi-tech development have prospered the university enterprises and have shown TUT capacity of leading the way in Shanxi high-tech innovation and development.  This has greatly offered both technical and personnel support to the local region and different industries in part of the strategy to revitalize China through science, technology and education.  With the promotion of integration of production-education-researching, the capacity to serve the local region has been greatly upgraded.  In the last few years, long-term cooperation agreements have been signed with over 400 cities and enterprises, and the total financial profit of over 3 billion RMB has been earned for local regions and enterprises through materialization of the high-tech.  


TUT is holding onto its long-term education identity of “People at center, sports as carrier, cultivate for moral and develop all-round way” and consequently won many different prizes in various sports and artistic performance contests: the winner of “Shanxi Prosperity Cup”, known as the “King of Northwest China”, TUT man basketball team has won 12 champions in the northwest district of CUBA (Chinese University Basketball Association) and is the only team that has been among the top 8 teams in all seasons, in 2010, it won the grand final and became the national champion of 12th CUBA.  Other sports teams such as women basketball team, women volleyball team, men soccer team, track and field team and marshal arts team have all played in many finals of various national contests and won medals in the end.  In XV Asian Games, Doha, Yuan Xiaochao, a TUT undergraduate, won the gold medal for Changquan all-round.


In the last decade, TUT has never stopped making efforts to turn itself into an internationalized university by enrolling students from all over the world, exchanging its students with the universities in other countries and running joint-education programs with the colleges and universities from overseas. TUT is in cooperation with countries including the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Germany, Russia, France, Italy, Japan and others.  With more frequent exchange at the international academic stage, TUT is now winning more and more reputation worldwide.


Recollecting the centennial history, generations of TUT have created its mission and glory of a century with responsibility and confidence; expecting the promising tomorrow, over 30,000 TUT students and faculty are producing splendor and perspectives by their wisdom and diligence.  In the new era, Taiyuan University of Technology, following the Conception of Scientific Development, is determined to further the reformation on education, to reinforce the teaching management so as to upgrade its teaching and researching levels. Taiyuan University of Technology will be turning itself into a research-based university.