Beijing University of Chemical Technology

Attribute: Public Level: Ordinary National Type: Science and Engineering Location:Suburb

Fees Structure

Tuition Fee
Chinese  Language  Learning      RMB8250 for one semester, RMB7840 for the second semester                                                                                
Doctoral degree Programs RMB 35000 per Year
Master's degree Programs in English RMB 35000 per Year
Master's degree Programs RMB 30000 per Year
Bachelor's degree Programs RMB 20000 Per Year
Advanced further study Programs RMB 30000 per Year
Further Study Programs                                                                            RMB 25000 per year

  The Living          Number                     Accommodation  Fees Room Facilities           
Standard  Bedroom         2 RMB 42 OR 50/per bed/per day TV set, telephone, air conditioner, bathroom, washing mechine, kitchen

Student's dormitory at Changping Campus: RMB 10800 Yuan/Year. The first year students at Changping Campus are required to stay at Changping Campus.
Boarding Expenses: Students can eat on campus in the student dining halls, the monthly expenses are approximate RMB500 Yuan—RMB800 Yuan per person on average.

Application Fee: RMB500
Insurance Fee:  RMB600/Per year