Kunming University of Science and Technology

Attribute: Public Level: Ordinary National Type: Science and Engineering Location:Suburb


Room Type



Students Apartment

4 beds/room

Toilet, shower, phone,
Internet connection,
bed, desk and wardrobe


RMB120 /person/month

2 beds/room

Toilet, shower, phone,
Internet connection,
bed, desk, wardrobe and public kitchen

RMB 2800 /person/year

Campus Hotel
Standard Room


RMB 100-160/room/day

Chinese Family


RMB 60-80/day


All the dining halls on campus are available for international students, about RMB 20-30 per person per day.


Physical examination fee: RMB 326
Comprehensive Medical Insurance of Foreign Students: RMB 600 /year
Residence permit: RMB 400 for one year


1. School of International Programs reserves all the rights in case of any changes of the above information.
2. KUST rewards a RMB 510 thousand Comprehensive Medical Insurance of Foreign Students in China to each of undergraduate foundation students, degree students, degree visiting students and language students who study 20 hours a week after they have paid tuition fee for at least one semester in lump sum payment.