Hunan University of Science and Technology

Attribute: Public Level: Ordinary National Type: Science and Engineering Location:Suburb

why study in Hunan University of science and technology

Existing school on-the-job staff of more than 2300 people, including 1522 full-time teachers, professor of nearly 300 people, 425 people, dr. A "national teaching team" 1, the first national teaching masters 1 person, the national model teacher, the national outstanding teachers, the national outstanding education workers, the national education system model worker 6 people, the "new century key talent project" national candidate 1 person, to receive the state council special government allowances experts 31 people, ministry of education "new century excellent talent support plan" 6 people, the hunan province "lotus scholars program" senior professors, hunan university of science and technology "xiangjiang river scholars program" physics, 13 people, hunan province, top 10 teaching masters ethics pacesetter, excellent teachers, excellent education workers 17 people, hunan province "new century 121 talents project" candidate 46 people, the leader in the field of 27 people in hunan province, hunan normal university young teachers to develop a target of 156. In recent years, the school presided over 360 items of the educational reform subject research, the teaching achievement prizes at the state level 3 items, of which a first prize, the provincial or ministerial 37 of teaching achievement prizes at the provincial level, and excellent course, key course and exquisite course of 39 gate; "The challenge cup" in the national university student extracurricular academic science and technology work competition, China youth science and technology innovation contest events in many times getting good grades, the national college students volunteer HuoPing successive summer "a program under which officials" advanced unit in social practice activities, fresh graduate employment and one's deceased father grind the acceptance rate similar in jiangsu university front row. The ministry of education in 2007 was determined as the level of job of undergraduate course teaching is evaluated "excellent" university in 2008, the national dr new authorized unit construction planning. In recent years, the school presided over nearly 3000 items of scientific research project, among them, the "863" plan projects, the "973" plan project, the national science and technology support projects, national defense foundation research projects, the national "948" project, the national natural science foundation and the national social science fund projects and other countries plan project more than 240 items; The national and provincial scientific research achievement prizes at nearly 170 items, among them, the national science and technology progress prize 3 items, Chinese college of humanities and social science research excellent achievements two second prize. Application and obtain patent, copyright authorized software 360 multinomial, promote the new technology, with more than 70. Published books (materials) more than 220; The journal (edition and social science edition in all the 2008 edition of the Chinese core periodicals YaoMu overview ", "MAO zedong research" column as the nation's social and scientific journal excellent columns. School insists on open education, and over 30 provinces and autonomous regions enterprises and institutions of the combination of the cooperation and communication, and strive for the construction "two type society", an innovative country make more contribution. The school strengthen external communication, and the United States, Britain, Japan and other countries and regions of the 40 universities develop the cooperation in running schools and scientific research. For many of his students and foreign exchange abroad project or study for a master's degree, more than 50 fresh graduates by the national Chinese promotion office to Thailand and other countries appointed in teaching Chinese as a foreign language. "Southwest gas to HengYue, day and night JiangSheng dongting under." Bath xiang wind ChuYu, carrying spirit rhyme hunan university of people will further carry forward and innovation and teachers education school running characteristics of mining industry, with advantageous in key discipline construction, promote high level university construction for the success of education of the people's satisfaction, to advance the country's social economic development to make the new contribution.