University of Jinan

Attribute: Public Level: Ordinary National Type: Comprehensive Location:Urban

Introduction to UJN

About School 

 University of Jinan is a comprehensive university accredited by the Ministry of Education. Founded in 1948, University of Jinan is situated in the city of Jinan, the capital city of Shandong Province, which enjoys the nationwide fame as the City of Springs.

Nowadays, University of Jinan has become an important base of talent training for local and regional economic development. As of 2012, more than 150,000 students have graduated from the University of Jinan, with Song Jian, former Vice Chairman of CPPCC, president of CAE and academician of both CAS and CAE, as one of them.

Schools  & Teaching Centers

At present, the university boasts 26 schools and 2 teaching centers. It offers 77 specialties for bachelor’s degree programs, 20 first-level and 144 second-level disciplines for master’s degree programs, 3 specialty master’s degree programs, and 13 master ’s degree programs in the areas of engineering. Recently, it was authorized to offer 3 doctoral degrees in the areas of material science and engineering, chemical engineering and technology, and clinical medicine. Totally, the specialties and disciplines cover economics, law, education, literature, history, science, engineering, medicine, management science and arts. Currently, its full-time student enrollment of undergraduates, postgraduates, including international students, amounts to 32,000. 

Faculty & Staff 

Now there is an excellent faculty team at the university, consisting of academicians, professors, “Taishan Scholars”, and outstanding experts with provincial and national credentials. The university boasts 1940 full-time teaching staff, of which 288 are professors, 583 are associate professors, 509 faculty who have earned doctoral degrees, 2 academicians who are members of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. 

The University of Jinan has always attached great importance to strengthening specialties and disciplines. There are 41 key disciplines and research bases at the national or provincial level. In addition, there is one key national laboratory managed by the Shandong Provincial Government and one engineering research center under the Chinese Ministry of Education.

Bright Future

In recent years, University of Jinan has made great achievements in teaching, research, strengthening disciplines and specialties, and teachers’ cultivation and introduction. It is comprehensive in its strength, competitiveness and social influence. The university has established medium-term and long-term educational objectives, and is determined to develop and become a top-level institution of higher learning, a distinctive university that is comprehensive, open, and international.