Teaching Objectives
This program was formed and structured following many interactions with corporations, alumni and students. It emphasizes both management and engineering perspectives in solving problems, making decisions, and managing risks in complex systems.
Students pursuing this degree program are provided with a rigorous exposure to optimization and stochastic modeling, and a deep coverage of applications in the areas of operations engineering and management.
30000 RMB per year
3 years
Degree Awarded
Accommodation Fee:
50 RMB per person per day
4. Transcript of postgraduate school
From professor,associate professor or equivalents.
6. Study Plan
7. Working proof( if had working experience, working proof is necessary)
8. Personal statement
China University of Mining And Technology
Start Date
Harbin Institute of Technology(Shenzhen Campus)
Start Date
Harbin Institute of Technology(Shenzhen Campus)
Start Date